To improve literacy in the field of [[|information technology]] and [[|information security]], and also not to explain elementary truths to everyone, we have created this [[|wiki]]. Unfortunately, at the moment the majority of users believe that [[|the Internet]] is just [[|social networks]] and popular messaging services, and know next to nothing about security, privacy, or various [[Уголок_законодателя|legal]] and [[Основные_проблемы_приватности_и_безопасности|technical]] threats that lie within the exchange of data. Furthermore, there is a huge amount of disinformation, ads, and other informational trash which is completely meaningless. As a consequence, most people use the worst, but well-publicized technical solutions (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, RaidCall, ICQ, AIM, MailRU Agent, social networks) that have absolutely nothing to do with privacy or security, therefore we must first consider [[Существующие решения для организации связи|existing communication solutions]].